Stories From Donbass (part 1)


In this photo is a woman who was born on 1931. The house where she lived, was bombed, shot at, and destroyed, with her losing all she had. She miraculously survived. When it started, she had to lie on the floor. Recaling her harrowing experience she said: “I always did so when they bombed.” When Alla opened her eyes everything around her was destroyed: ruined walls, window frames and a lot of dust and fumes. And terrible silence … In her district now many neighbors do not have light, no gas, no water and the main thing no housing. She remained in a bathrobe and hanging on her neck a passport. She used to carry it in a plastic bag on her neck all the time since the so-called “ATO” started. Those neighbors took her to Izyum (our town), and settled her to strangers who she never met before. She can’t get her Retirement money (pension) as they keep saying to her that she has to wait for identification check up. Her savings are spent. Nowhere to return! The future is unknown … People who want to help write us or donate. Thank you!

На этой фотографии женщина 1931 г рождения. В дом, в котором жила Алла Николаевна, попал снаряд. Женщина чудом уцелела. Она успела лечь на пол, говорит:”Я всегда так делала, когда бомбили”. Когда Алла Николаевна открыла глаза вокруг были развороченные стены, оконные рамы и очень, очень много пыли и гари. И страшная тишина…По её району теперь и у многих соседей нет не света, ни газа, ни воды и главное жилья. Она осталась в одном халате с паспортом на висевшим (всегда!) в кулёчке на шее. Те же соседи привезли ее в Изюм, и поселили к чужим добрым людям. Пенсию пока не дают, сбережения потрачены. Возвращаться некуда! Будущее неизвестно…
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